วันจันทร์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Turning discouragement into motivation

In early 1980, when Pacman and the fourth was excluded as a Rubik's thumb was known, people from work, did not see the television as he prepares for work or school. The radio was a much better choice because the only thing they were was probably see on TV these days then a program of the Open University with a long-haired, bespectacled professor with stunning chops and a jacket with leather patches on elbows would be very likelysine and cosine to speak before a bribe. It 'was enough to put a person out of their puffs of sugar.

Then, in 1983, broke the television cooked breakfast on the scene, bright, talkative, colorful, change the way the nation for the next day. This new kind of television we were able to digest the news visually with our toast, and that was filled with sports, features, interviews with stars and a good dose of exercise to wake us all.

Undertaker Action Figure

Regarding the lastThis was, we now had our personal trainer in your living room lead directly to us from a regime that keep us in top form. The BBC had the green goddess, while over on ITV 'Mad' Lizzie kept us all standing and waving their wrists while we were sitting on the washing machine during the spin cycle. But probably the best known of these mentors in the morning is Mr. Motivator, a dynamo whose infectious style of clothes Lycra saw many of his followers begin their day with ahealthy combination of aerobic and Weetabix. Mr. Motivator to its name so that they are whistle was reported to be a cheerful undertaker had to stop because it just about, he would work with a spring in his step and, as the power of motivation. And this power is taken very seriously these days - we all have the captain of a football team to give his men a last-minute dose of motivation, as seen in a pre-walk kick-off spoils.

Turning discouragement into motivation

But your motivationThe fellow is more than encouraging words to express, especially in the workplace. And a good way to improve your motivation to see what is the first de-motivate an employee or team and then take action to reverse this situation. Here are some examples.

Be realistic
If you have objectives that are difficult to achieve together, then this can be a demotivating effect on those whose job it is to achieve these goals. Objectives, the challenge is still attainable, are much moremotivation than those that appear unattainable. Setting goals may seem difficult a good way to extract the maximum effort of the workforce, but in reality can have a demotivating effect, they go about their work with little interest and are more likely to cut corners, so it really is a false economy.

Play your strengths
We all have some points that we like to do and some do not like. An employee who is unhappy his work is not motivatedat all. We can not always be the plum job the whole time, but the determination of those doing the most unpopular in the right way, fewer problems than those who must implement them. That said, if you know that Bill is a wizard in Excel, and that Ben is a hot-shot for the creation of PowerPoint presentations, then it makes sense to play and organize their forces in their respective fields, whenever possible work . This should motivate the "double whammy" effectbecause a) "I like this," b) "I'm fine."

Reaping the benefits
external influences can motivate people to varying degrees, and financial incentives or other compensation are a common form of reasoning that seeks to gain more power. This is good, but it must be done with caution as it could lead to the situation by the same person or group of persons who receive all the awards. This can cause resentment in others who feel less the value of their contributions and thus demotivatingsets, and so what, by the incentives was obtained leading to demotivation lost among others.

And finally ...
No matter what kind of job a person, it is difficult to be motivated properly when it is hot, too cold or unbearable. A pleasant working environment is the first step towards a motivated worker.

There are a lot more to the motivation to work, and companies are always ready for use in this team, an action that his touch, so thatcertainly a topic worthy of further investigation. After all, there is no need to spend the night half of the nation lies in implementation and star jumps, but if you're a small team may move to more recognition of their efforts, even that is a motivation in itself.

Turning discouragement into motivation

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